Answers to Some Questions You Didn’t Know You Had When Planning a Getaway to Nickelodeon’s All Inclusive Resort in Punta Cana-Updated
NOTE: This post has been updated to reflect additional information provided by the resort’s concierge. Some of the information is in conflict with the information previously provided through the resort’s Facebook contact. (Nov. 16, 2016)
One thing I know about traveling with my littles is that it’s nice to go places where they are entertained by the world around them and I can spend a little less time being just sooooo entertaining. With that in mind, my husband and I set out to book a summer trip that offered our little people a bit more entertainment than they normally get when we travel beyond Walt Disney World or a beach house. My littles are small, we’re talking five, two, and under one. They still haven’t quite mastered the excitement of immersing themselves in other cultures and understanding the implications and depths of historical locales and movements. So, our options were somewhat limited.
Then one day it just started popping up everywhere. I mean every single place I looked. It stalked me. Nickelodeon’s new all inclusive property in Punta Cana. So I researched and read. And read some more. And researched some more. And then I sat down to see if this place was really worth it. Most of the customer reviews from last summer were less than kind, but then again, it was a property that just opened last summer and everything was not up and running at the time. So, armed with some questions taken from those reviews, I, in my best explorer mindset, set out in search of answers. The problem was, the website was a bit less than informative. There were descriptions of a sentence, but no details. How important are details? Let me say again, I have three little people. Seriously. Details are ridiculously important.
I reached out to the hotel via their contact info and received no response. I then moved on to Facebook, and within hours I had a response. I spent the next week asking more and more questions and finding more and more questions. And I was getting answers. And when I ran out of answers, I went to the head concierge. Unfortunately I didn’t get any answers there, but I’m still hopeful. And now? I have most questions answered. And so do you.
Are the facilities all up and running? I was told they are 100% up and running. What I figured out though, through asking questions about other amenities, is that while the facilities may be 100% up and running, not all programs are. This could change over time. If there’s a particular program you’re interested in, it would be best to ask. (For example, the Spanish Lessons are not yet a part of the program there, though it is listed on their website as one of the services they offer.)
Is there a charge for any of the “Gotcha Covered” amenities and are they guaranteed if requested? (cribs, strollers, Gerber baby food, bottle sterilizers and warmers, step stools, bathrobes, bath tubs, changing tables, baby monitors, beach toys) The amenities are always available and should be guaranteed whether or not you request them ahead of time. Also, the Gerber food, while not organic, is suitable for children as young as six months old.
What is Nickelodeon Place? Listed on the Activities page is “Nickelodeon Place,” but what exactly is it beyond a character meeting spot (which is listed as a separate activity anyway)? Well, essentially it’s everything and nothing rolled into one. It is the general name given to the large area that contains all of the separately listed activities (Aqua Nick, Aqua Bite, Just Kiddin’ Kids Club, Character Central, Plaza Orange amphitheater, Nick kNacks, and the Sports Hub). So, though it is listed as a separate activity, it, in fact, isn’t.
What is the character meeting/Character Central situation look like? Is it organized or arbitrary? How will I know when to show up? Many of the online reviews contained complaints of not seeing any characters while on property. I was told that there is a set schedule that varies each week depending on variables such as weather and occupancy. So, it is set. But not that set. This schedule can be picked up upon arrival.
What about character dining? What are the options? How easy or hard is it to book? Currently, the only dining options with characters are breakfasts and those breakfasts only occur on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday from 8-10am is the TMNT Power Breakfast and on Sundays from 8-10am is the PJ Jam Breakfast. While these are the only days with character breakfasts, I was told that this can change depending upon demand. Since the supply is limited, these meals can be hard to get, but fortunately, character breakfast reservations can be made prior to arrival through contacting the concierge.
Can I make dining reservations in advance? While you can make character breakfast reservations in advance, you cannot make regular dining reservations in advance. These reservations should be made on property with your personal concierge or the lobby concierge. UPDATE: After getting directly in touch with the resort’s concierge (rather than through Facebook) I have been told you can make dining reservations prior to your arrival.
Is babysitting available? How much is it? And for what times? Evening babysitting is available. The cost for this is $20/hour for up to two children. Each child under four requires one babysitter for themselves. During the day, children over four can be dropped off at Just Kiddin’ and the same pricing applies for any other children who are being watched by a babysitter. UPDATE: The price per hour is until 11:00 p.m. If the service is needed additional hours, the guest is responsible for the Taxi fee to get the nanny to his/her final destination. The Taxi cost is additional to the fee per hour.
What is the process for vetting the babysitters? This is still a question I’m waiting to have answered. I will update this when, and if, I get a response. UPDATE: The babysitters are certified, and they do run background checks (as they do on all staff). Most sitters speak English or another language (as well as Spanish).
What is Just Kiddin’? Will my four year old be doing the same activities as the older children there (up to 12 years old)? Just Kiddin’ is a daytime drop off location. It has both free play and scheduled activities. These scheduled activities are subject to change and will be given at check in. All kids will be together. So, yes, your four year old will be in the mix with the eight year olds and the twelve year olds. There is no separation by age.
Are there connecting rooms and can they be guaranteed? As a family of five, our room options are somewhat limited, especially if you’re like us and want a separate room for the grown ups to sleep in. If that’s what we want, we have to book a Pool Super Villa. And that is soooo much more space than we need (and sooooo much more money than we want to spend). Fortunately, you can book two connecting rooms (in certain buildings). Pads connect with other Pads and Pads connect with Swank Suites. As far as guaranteeing those? I was told they should be able to guarantee them.
When can spa reservations be made? Truth be told, this is one of the few questions that I have struggled to get answered. I have not heard from anyone, and the follow up on promises to get me that information has been nonexistent. This just leads me to the conclusion that it either contains some top secret information, the pricing is still being set, or the services are not entirely set (or there is just a real difficulty in acquiring this information). UPDATE: The spa services can be made in prior to arrival. I am still waiting for a current and correct menu for spa services.
Does the hotel provide transfers from the airport? Once you book your stay, you will be given the option of choosing to also book a transfer from the airport to the hotel.Transfers are done through Nexus Travel, the resort’s official transportation company. You can also book directly with them at
This trip is designed for relaxation and restoration, and some of the details are what I needed to get that process started. I’m looking forward to those smooth, sunny days, resting my weary bones on a soft-padded lounge chair outside my hotel room, listening to birds singing and watching the sun reflect off the cool blue of the pool out the door of my swim up suite. Or, more likely, trying to frantically use said lounge chair to create a barrier in my attempt to corral my little people so they don’t get too curious about that pool. And when I feel a bit overwhelmed at those climbing, crawling, eager little legs, I will remind myself to be thankful for that curiosity and the little explorers that that curiosity is creating.
Keep checking back for updates and a post-stay hotel review.