The Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge Reviewed: A Family-Friendly Resort
I should begin this by saying we weren’t looking for a family trip. We wanted a vacation. A full-out, sip-some-cocktails-in-coconut-shells-adorned-with-brightly-colored-mini umbrellas vacation. I wanted to melt into a chaise by the ocean, float in a pool, swim up to a bar, and stretch along the balcony as I watched the sun set. And, as any parent with preschool-age little people knows, to find this elusive vacation one must find a place to stay that would make one’s children feel like the little royals they often believe themselves to be (insert eye roll). Cue The Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge.

This had not been our first option when booking our stay in the DR. We had spent months booked at Nickelodeon’s Resort (see some need-to-know info on that resort here), but then, on a whim, we decided to check other options. (So, really, it wasn’t a whim, but it felt like it). As a family of five, we were having trouble finding a room to accommodate us at Nickelodeon that wasn’t ridiculously expensive; didn’t include us all sharing one giant, open room (not a welcome part of any vacation but if you have to, head here for some tips); or could be guaranteed connecting. We had to move on.
We feverishly searched (this is something we do when booking a trip: computers open, fingers skipping across keys, sweat beading on brows), and eventually landed on The Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge. But, admittedly, I think we both were a bit indifferent about it beyond the facts that it had a Kid’s Club that accepted children over a year without a parent needing to stay and supervise and (drumroll please!) it had a nap room (because heading back to the hotel room to nap a child just isn’t on my list of vacation activities either).

The point is, we didn’t have any huge expectations about the hotel. But, upon arrival, it quickly established a set of expectations, even through the grey skies and drizzling rain. We were greeted with cute little bracelets for us all, even the little people. They weren’t the typical plastic bands, but were beaded and, I’m not ashamed to admit, a bit stylish.
Once these sweet little bracelets were secured to our wrists, we were introduced to Andy. And then the sun came out (it actually didn’t, but I wanted the drama, so let’s go with it). Andy showed us to our room, asked us what we needed in the room for our little people (milk? juice? water? pretzels?), then waited in the family concierge lobby (filled with little toys) for us to settle in before taking us on a private tour of the hotel complex.
What is The Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge?
We had signed on to have a “Family Concierge” while we were at the hotel. I am still not entirely sure what the job description for this position would be, but I think that’s because they do so much and are so flexible. So, like, maybe, “Person Who Does it All for Your Family” or “General Problem Fixer and Question Answerer and Concern Addresser”? All I know is that I had a phone that connected me to a gentleman, Andy, whom I could call or could call me to pretty much ensure that my life, while staying at The Reserve, would run smoothly (I wish I could have an Andy for all the other parts of my life too but c’est la vie).
For my family, we paid for a family concierge, Andy, and what he did was make my little people feel like they were super special. It meant that they felt like we were finally at a hotel where the amenities were not adult, but were designed with little people in mind (think tiny robes and tiny slippers). It meant special notes left for them in the room and small “gifts”. It meant a friendly face walking around the resort that always greeted them. It meant they felt someone (other than their parents of course) was thinking of them during the day, and that made them feel important.

I think it’s clear how I feel about this “Family Concierge” option. For us, it made the difference. Some of the precious things my children found in the room were a collection of sand toys for them to take to the beach, little-people-sized robes and slippers, little-people-sized pillows, sunscreen, toothbrushes and toothpaste, little people shampoo and wash, t-shirts, hats, backpacks, balloon art, and oreos.
Each day they’d take delight in trying to piece together exactly when Andy snuck into our room to bring them these treasures (most of which we returned or used). But, the last night we were there, Andy brought out the big guns. He asked me when we’d be back at the room to get ready for dinner. Then, he filled the tub up with bubbles and balloons. Not only did he get the inside tub, he filled the tub on the balcony up too. My little people were delighted. And finally incredibly excited to get clean.

For my husband and I, having a Family Concierge meant not having to make dinner reservations. It meant someone who made sure my husband’s food allergies were taken seriously, who met us at dinner every night to make sure the day went fine and the restaurant (usually suggested and chosen by Andy) suited us. It meant someone who would seek us out throughout the day to check on us, answer any questions, give us insight into the area. It meant we always had milk in our fridge and Oreos on our counter.
Most importantly, it meant that when my little people were in the Kid’s Club without me, there was a person who stopped there frequently to make sure they were having fun, napping, giggling, and being happy little beings. I could trust that Andy would call me if they weren’t, and he could bring them to me if one of them needed me. Most importantly, having a family concierge meant actually being able to relax with a peace of mind that only comes from knowing someone is being attentive to my littles’ needs.

So, how can I explain what it is that would make me go back to this hotel again and again and again (and even consider for one rum-filled moment to buy into a timeshare (though I was not approached to in any capacity))? Well, read on my fellow family vacation seekers. Read on.
What are the Other Standout Features of The Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge?
With the family concierge, we always felt looked after, which really did mean we could check out a bit. We didn’t have to worry about getting on the phone to make reservations for a restaurant that night or grab that glass of milk from the bar as we made our way up to our bedroom at night. But, beyond feeling like there was someone at the resort who always had our best interests at heart, what else does The Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge offer?
The Pool
Early in the morning we’d be awoken by children bounding into our bed, giggling about what surprises they’d find today and what adventures they’d go on and with whom. First up for this family of little mer-kids? Always the pool (after breakfast of course). And we were always happy to comply.

The pool at The Reserve isn’t a giant, open expanse of water. Since The Reserve is such a small section of the hotel, the pool is relatively small and uncrowded, but it is by no means boring. Jetted areas sprout up periodically throughout the trails of water, as do built-in pool lounge chairs. The pool is meandering, so there are plenty of places to find privacy and shade. We weren’t looking to have to run down to the pool early in the morning to “reserve” our chairs, so we found this to be quite appealing. And this pool is exclusive to Reserve guests, so there’s no threat of hoards of people discovering its beauty.

And, not to be forgotten, tucked around in a corner of the pool is a fairly shallow section (about three feet) that ends in a large pool bar. I think it’s important to note that just in case no one else is sitting there or no bartender is standing around waiting to serve a drink, that doesn’t mean this swim up bar isn’t actually open. The bartenders from the bar above it keep an eye on it and serve up some pool-perfect drinks.
The Kid’s Pool
In addition to the serpentining family pool, The Reserve has a kid’s pool located right outside of Kid’s Zone. This pool has a large section that even our tiniest could walk around in on his own (which actually was a bit of a hassle given his panache for being wildly and inappropriately independent). Then, the pool gets deeper, but not more than about three feet. In this section the pool there are a few slides that the littles loved going down. Again and again. And again. It was literally the place they wanted to spend every second of every day at.

It’s close location to the Kid’s Club made it easy for our little ones to move back and forth between the club and family life. They could do the activities they wanted, but not miss out too much on that quality pool time. It also was located right next to the pool restaurant, which seemed to be the hub of the pool, especially when they threw a forth of July party while we were there. It’s refreshing to be a parent with a little one swimming in a pool just right for them that isn’t tucked into the most remote back corner of a property.

The Quiet
Usually before we took our initial plunge, we’d find a cushioned and pillowed-palapa to house all our essentials and our to-be sun-weary selves. They’re spread abundantly throughout the pool area, so we were never in a rush to grab one. So, if you’re looking for an early morning throw down, you’re simply not going to find it here (it was quite the opposite of those YouTube videos circulating of the fight for coveted pool lounges at the opening bell). Into these shaded huts we’d periodically retreat and rest up in the lead up to lunch.
The Layout
After our poolside lunch, which we’d either take at the poolside restaurant or eat in our little palapa, the little ones would head to the Kid’s Zone for some kid fun, some of which was organized activities they wanted to do and some of which was just some free play they wanted. (Or maybe it was what their parents wanted. No one will ever know. Except the parents.) And because of it’s location, they didn’t feel like they were being dragged to some remote part of the resort just to be abandoned. They were close to “home.” They were close to the room, the pool, the palapa.

They weren’t so close to their parents though (shhhh don’t tell them), because we would often drop off our littles and set out to explore the rest of the resort, including the main hotel area: Paradisus Palma Real. (It almost felt like we were on a day date most days. Totally scandalous.) And the beauty of the family concierge is that Andy would contact us via a phone, provided by the hotel, if our little ones needed us. And, if mom guild took over somewhere in the midst of that second Caipirinha, I could call up Andy and he’d check on my troublemakers for me, so I knew they were happy and living their best lives.

And, finally, to make it all a bit more interesting for the little ones (and the big ones) there is a Family Concierge Lounge located at the main, larger resort where little people can find a few more sweets and treats and sun-weary parents can grab a cup of Nespresso before tackling the next big event of the day.
What is the Food Like at The Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge?
We fancy ourselves foodies over here. That means that most all-inclusives just don’t cut it in the food department for us. But this was not the case at The Reserve. First of all, excluding the two buffets, there are ten restaurants between the two properties on the complex.

Each restaurant was as good as the next, if not better (don’t get me started on the ribs from the steak restaurant, Rare). We, particularly, loved the steak house, but we were not disappointed in any restaurant, even the ones we weren’t super excited for in the first place. For example, Three Kid’s Dad is allergic to shellfish, so we tend to stay away from most teppanyaki restaurants because of cross contamination. Still, we found ourselves booked for Mizu, the hotel’s teppanyaki restaurant. Not only was the chef incredibly fascinating to watch, he was also completely safe (and transparent) in regards to addressing my husband’s allergies. It was the first time we’ve really been able to enjoy a teppanyaki restaurant without constant fears.
And the buffets? I mean, it’s a buffet. The food sits out. On a plate. Waiting. It can’t be that good, right? Wrong. It’s simply not the case here. The buffets were excellent, the food fresh, the offerings plenty. This worked well for my family at breakfast and lunch as my biggest little thinks buffets are seriously the most impressive places to eat. The creme de la creme.

There are specific benefits in terms of dining that guests of the boutique Reserve section of the hotel are offered. The first is access to their own restaurant, Brisas, which is a fusion Japanese Peruvian restaurant that is located beachfront. Additionally, guests of The Reserve are given priority dinner bookings at the other restaurants. This, without a doubt, comes in handy. And if you’ve got the family concierge, making reservations becomes even easier–almost nonexistent.
What Other Resort Amenities Exist at the Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge?
The Kid’s Club
As I mentioned above, the kid’s club, or Kid’s Zone, really was one of the draws of this hotel for us, initially. The building itself is large and modern. It has a giant room, Baby Club, for younger children (though they allowed all our children to play in it, including the six year old, because they all wanted to be together). This room has a padded floor and is filled with soft bean bag chairs and toys. Off of this room is a nap room. It’s dark, cool, and filled with cribs (about six). They have monitors too, so they could watch our sweet, sleeping trouble maker (and so that when I had Andy check on him, they could easily let him know that he could tell me he was blissfully asleep).
In addition to the room for the younger children, they have a large room with a tv, game system, eating area (they have their own buffet lunch and dinners so mommas and papas can have a night out), and assorted games.

Outside the Kid’s Zone is the Terrace with a ping pong table, air hockey, a huge climbing structure (it’s amazing really), inflatable bouncy castle, climbing wall, and super jumper trampolines.
Not only do they have all of this to offer, they actually have programs that run throughout the day too, though not from 1-3. My littles liked mini chef, painting, pool parties at the kids’ pool, and playing in the sand. Three of the nights we were at The Reserve, the club stayed open until 10 pm (closing time is usually 9pm) for special events. We were there during a pajama party, pirate party, and movie night. (All activities I just listed are offered to little people 3-5; there is an entirely different set of activities going on for those older).

As a crazy mother, one of the aspects of the Kid’s Zone that I found most comforting is that after filling out a fairly extensive bit of information on my little people, they made me answer a number of questions whose answers were taken directly from the form I had previously filled out when I picked my little people up (like allergies, date leaving the resort, etc.). This, of course, stopped once they knew me.
Which brings me to my final point about the Kid’s Zone: the people working there. By day two each person working at the club knew my littles’ names. They knew what they liked. They knew what they didn’t like. They were exceptional with dealing with my little people. When my little people walked in, it felt like they had been showing up there for years.
The Beach
The Reserve is not on the ocean. That’s right. We flew all the way to the Dominican Republic just to stay in a hotel that was not on the beach. Here’s the thing though. I have three little people, the oldest is six. The lure of the ocean is strong (we’ve all seen Moana right?), and I don’t need my little people to find their way there easily.

The fortunate thing is though, it is a quick (and incredibly fun for a little person) golf cart ride away to The Paradisus Palma Real, the main hotel of this hotel complex. And then it’s merely steps to the water and awaiting, reserved, chairs and umbrellas. It’s important to note that this section of the beach is reserved specifically for those guests staying in The Reserve. In this area, there is also a beach concierge service for guests of The Reserve. And you know what that means? You can stay hydrated with a bucket of ice with cooling waters. Oh and did I mention drinks? Like, with umbrellas?

And if you feel like getting off the beach, The Reserve has an exclusive Reserve Beach Lounge, which is a relaxing spot near the beach where guests can get another premium drink if they’d like (umbrella optional) or a Nespresso if that’s the kind of day it is. Either way, they’ve had us covered during our stay.
The Employees
So, I’ve spoken of the amazing people at the Kid’s Zone and, of course, Andy. But each employee here was beyond kind. They all spoke to my little people with kindness and understanding, which, at times, even I find difficult to do. Individually my children are each a storm, together they are a hurricane. And I try desperately to control this hurricane, but sometimes it gets a bit away from me.
But I felt forgiveness, even understanding. The employees were easy to talk to, happy to talk to us about their own families and children. Even when it was clear the staff was straining to keep up with all of their duties, they still showed kindness towards us and the destruction we left in our wake (yes, I do try to keep it orderly and have my littles pick up their messes).
What are the Rooms Like at the Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real Family Concierge?
Our one-room suite was beyond spacious. It had ample room for the littles to explore and play hide and seek. But even better than the room? The balcony, complete with a large bathtub perfect for sticking sand-covered kids in when they’re just not ready to leave the outdoors.
Upon entering, the room had a large dining table, which we made certain to use to hold all the bits and pieces we’d picked up throughout the day. Well, actually, one night I had to take the little guy back to the room early, but I wasn’t about to give up my delicious meal, so I brought it back and ate it at the table. So we did use it properly. Once.

The living room, which was connected, had a sectional that opened into a large, comfortable bed, which is where we older folks slept (we consider access to the front door and the world beyond it of the utmost importance when we travel–never know when you’re going to crave a milkshake or cold beer).
The bedroom, which could be accessed from the bathroom or living room, had a large king bed, which was the happy resting place of our sun-drenched little ones. With the curtains pulled, they had no idea that the sun was rising in the morning, so we could all sleep off the prior day’s exhaustion.

One great aspect of The Reserve is that this is a smaller section of the hotel, so it wasn’t loud or crowded, both important when you’re carting three little ones around with you. There are only three stories rather than a towering ten or more. While there was “Daily Nightlife Entertainment,” it did not involve music pumping throughout the grounds and drunk throngs of people talking a little too loudly. It was peaceful. It was contained and quiet. (Necessary when sun and sand make a little person want to pass out at 7 pm and makes a big person quite happy to comply with that.)
The one con here, if I were pressed to find one? Staying at the “Family Concierge” section of The Reserve meant that we had a fairly solid walk to the front of the hotel to catch a golf cart to the beach or the other part of the resort (though we could have had it just pick us up in front of our building with a phone call, but we never did and I’m truly not so sure why…?).

Now, I don’t mind walking, but my little people? Well, one likes to lollygag and soak it all in, one is just “tired” all the time (to be fair, he was a bit under the weather), and the other has legs that are only about a foot long. Suffice to say, we spent a great deal of our time carrying exhausted little people back and forth through the halls.
Here’s the real kicker though. There is no elevator. And given the fact that my two littlest little people just seem to spontaneously fall on flat ground periodically through the day, it was a risky situation. So, stairs? Marble stairs? When they’re wearing dripping wet suits? Well, I’ll just leave it unsaid (they’d fall…100% they’d fall). This meant that we’d have to carry them up three flights of stairs (giant stairs too because we’re not talking about average ceiling heights in this hotel). Of course, when the littlest ones were getting carried, the biggest little would feel left out, so we’d have to find a way to drag all three little people up the stairs, usually while they were too exhausted to even hold on (and don’t even get me started on how we managed that with all the pool and beach stuffs that seem to accompany little people).
Really though, this hotel. Would I return? Without a doubt. Would I do family concierge again? You bet (and I’d ask for Andy). And when I return, my littles will be a little bit bigger and some of these “Cons” won’t even matter any more. Wanting to travel all the time creates a need to try new places, but it also creates a desire to return to some of those places. Especially when it’s possible to make every person happy, at the same time no less. This is one of those places I’d go back to when I needed a fruity drink kind of vacation, even with the rest of the world still out there for us to explore.
Do you have a place that you keep going back to or that you’d be happy to spend another vacation at? If so, drop a comment below so we can check it out! Happy travels!
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Love this review. We were married at the Paradisus 13 years ago (before the Reserve even existed) and we’re considering going back with the kids. Were there older kids (10+) when you visited?
Three Kids and A Car
Hi Nilda! What a great place to get married! I bet it was beautiful. There were absolutely kids of all ages there. They have a great hangout space for older kids too and separate activities.